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ECF Information

Hardware and Software Requirements

  • A personal computer running Windows
  • A word processing program to create documents
  • An Internet Service Provider (ISP) to access ECF and email
  • CM/ECF has been tested with Firefox and Internet Explorer 8,9 and 11
  • Portable document format (PDF) writer (converter) software (for more information go to
  • A scanner (OPTIONAL) for imaging documents that are not available in electronic format

Electronic Case Filing (ECF)

ECF is the electronic case filing system for the federal courts. With ECF, case documents are filed and maintained in electronic form and most pleadings are filed over the Internet. The District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma has been working on implementation of ECF since 2002. Beginning October 14, 2003, most documents filed with this Court have been scanned by the Clerk’s Office and are available electronically through PACER (Public Access to Court Electronic Records). For more information about ECF, go to

What you need to do to prepare for future filings in this Court

U.S. Court Clerk’s Office at your Desktop

If you practice law in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Oklahoma, you must file most documents electronically.
(See Local Rules – LCvR 5.1 )

Required Filing of Sealed Documents

  • Click here for Civil Sealed filing instructions.
  • Click here for Criminal Sealed filing instructions.